
Petrosadid: Mixer

PETROSADID company provides you with appreciated brands, high quality technology, used to meet successful mixing of bulk materials.

PETROSADID Company offers solutions with different approaches, to deliver assured production efficiencies and long-term performance reliabilities to solve your mixing challenges.

We have gained specialization providing high quality mixing equipment to meet your toughest demand.

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• Mixing basically done for solids and classified in to two type:

– Non –Cohesive Solids: Solids which fall freely and are easy to mix.

– Cohesive Solids: Solids which form lumps and need a proper mixing

Non Cohesive mixers are for non-sticky solids which have a wide variety free-flowing powders.

• Mixing could be carried out by agitation, tumbling, centrifugal action and impact forces.

• Non-Cohesive solid mixers are of four types:

1. Internal Screw Mixer

2. Tumbling Mixer

3. Ribbon blender Mixer

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